Price Packages
Review of your Safer Recruitment Policy and Process for one School £500
- Review your Safer Recruitment Policy
- Review your Recruitment documentation eg Job description
- Review your system of recording to ensure fit for purpose
- Discuss and review your staff knowledge and Training
- Review any other Guidance you follow according to the policy.
- Face to face visit to review workstreams, roles and responsibilities.
- Whilst on the visit review your system, process and work flow inline with your policy.
- Review your risk management process for areas relating to KCSIE
- Provide an Evaluation in the form of a written report considering operational process against policy, outlining any areas of risk or areas for consideration.

Governor Safer Recruitment Strategic Support Twilight Session on Teams £200 Bite size session focused around reviewing the Safer Recruitment Policy and work arrangements in accordance with the Policy. We understand Governors may need their support to fit into their schedule after work. This is one to one support via Teams to go through your school Policy, support you to understand your duty in meeting DFE expectations. Support you to insure your School Safer recruitment is in place as per Part 3 of KCSIE embedded and effective.
The Consultancy will
- Provide you with an understanding of your role as a Governor reviewing the Safer Recruitment Process.
- Support you to be able confidentially to review Safer Recruitment in your school as per Part 2 of KCSIE
- Understand what a Safer Recruitment policy should include and be able to challenge rationale behind any areas that are not clear, missing or managed in a way that may not meet the guidance.
- Evaluate if the Operational procedures are inline with the policy.
- Be prepared and ready to review your School Safer Recruitment Policy and Process.
Interim Business Manager Cover work for absence, maternity or gaps between a leaver and new starter
£300 per day for Business Operations, areas such as Health and Safety, Premises, HR, Safer Recruitment and Risk Management £400 per day for Finance.
Payroll can be added to Operations or Finance.
We are able to cover at a Senior Leadership Level all Departments. As we are two qualified Business Managers we can offer a split between Operations and Finance E.g. 2 days Operations and 1 day Finance or 1 day of each or what ever the need is for cover.
Deep Dive of Single Central Record for one School £500
- Face to Face visit to take a deep dive into your Single Central Record.
- Review of the Safer Recruitment Policy with a focus on the checks made on the Single Central Record.
- Review any external checks you purchase from any organisations e.g. Social Media?
- Face to Face visit to review the documentation you hold inline with the Single Central Record checks.
- Discussion with the person who manages the record. If a number of depts are responsible for each area of the single central record eg Agency area, Governors. We will meet and review each dept against their area.
- Discussions with the team or teams around their knowledge and understanding of the checks they undertake.
- Review the schools process for managing the checks
- Review any areas that are risk assessed discuss procedure and management.
- Provide an Evaluation of the checks made outlining areas for consideration.

What do you do when you know it is not quite right?
Project or Development Work
So you have noticed the HR and Safer Recruitment department isn’t quite right! You can’t quite put your finger on it. Maybe your recruitment package is not attracting the staff you want. The work flow is scattered. Departments write their own interview questions, nothing appears to be uniform. You have never been able to invest time in creating a vision that comes through to your prospective candidates. Your always chasing your tail because you don’t have time to develop the systems you want. We can provide Project work £300 per day (time required depends on school and individual need) An opportunity to review areas of Safer Recruitment exploring options of school development Ensuring the system is robust, embedded and effective. We are able to provide actual work as well as consultancy. So if time is an issue, we can help you implement the systems and processes you need.
Special Offer: We are offering a special offer of £200 per day for any worked booked in the school Holidays. That’s less than the cost of some Agency Supply. You cant afford to say no. Think of the piece of mind you could have! Limited rate available for schools who book before Easter break. We would require a member of staff who knows and works with Recruitment to be present during our visit.
Special Offer
25% off if you book any service before the 21st March. A booking must be confirmed in writing with a contract date.

Limited offer Book before the 21st March 2025 and receive £25% off any service. All bookings must have a date agreed and be confirmed in writing.