Germaine Matthews

I have 14 years experience as a qualified School Business Manager. It all began with the implementation of Extended Schools program, setting up the Family Support Service, which evolved into Business contracts and projects for 86 schools. 8 years ago, I settled in one school where I focused on Business and led the Safeguarding team, through 2 successful Ofsted inspections (Safeguarding and Single Central Record).


Training, Skills and Knowledge

  • Senior Leader in a Primary School for 8 years
  • Set up Business structure to run Family Support Service for 85 Schools
  • Business Manager for group of 85 Schools Procurement and Projects for 4 years
  • Self employed Partner to a Secondary School supporting to provide additional Business income
  • Extended Services Manager Implementation and Management for 18 schools for 3 years
  • Designated Senior Lead Safeguarding for 7 years
  • Full Management of Single Central Record for 8 years with 2 Ofsted inspections
  • Educational Visits Manager for 7 years
  • Educational Consultancy, Safer Recruitment, HR, Premises, Contracts, Health and Safety and Risk Management.
  • Safer Recruitment Trained 2025
  • Level 1, 2 and 3 Safeguarding 2024
  • Trainer in Safeguarding Level 1 2024
  • School Business Manager CSBM National College
  • Leeds Met – Events, Marketing and Business
  • Management of Risk (MOR)
  • Throughout my career I have engaged in safeguarding training updates and EVC (Risk Management) updates.
  • Coaching and Mentoring Herts University
  • Leadership
  • Resliance
  • Motivation
  • Problem solving
  • Out of the box thinking
  • Attention to detail
  • Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024
  • Working together to Safeguard Children 2024
  • After-school clubs, community activities and tuition: safeguarding guidance for providers DFE 2023

Our Vision

To Keep Children Safe by supporting Schools to implement a culture of safe working practice, not just in the class room but recognising the importance of the paperwork behind the scenes!

Our Mission

Is to give you the Wings to help you Fly safely in all conditions.

Core Values

Business Essentials for Education recognises that Safe working Practice in Schools means having firm boundaries.

Our Vision and Values Explained

During my Consultancies I notice that everyone who works with children, values the Safer Recruitment process and wants to ensure the children in their school are safe. So what goes wrong when we find schools who have lost their way? We often see key themes. Schools struggle with the time involved in ensuring a safe process, for some schools there has been change of staff, knowledge and experience or there has been a pressure and urgency for good teachers in the classroom resulting in tweaks, adjustments and short cuts which can compromise the Safer Recruitment process. It isn’t until something goes wrong everyone realises just how important it should have been to stick to the rules and have firm boundaries.

Business Essentials aims to provide you with the knowledge, training and understanding to support the team to stay firm to their boundaries when recruiting staff.

Remembering the quote “it could happen here”

So why the Paraglider on all of my adverts?
Everyone thinks Paragliding is easy once you are off the ground, you’re flying. If you are lucky, that can be the case but the truth is that Paragliders find themselves having to make quick split decisions that can be life or death due to weather, tangled lines or other gliders in the sky.

So just like Safer Recruitment, its having the right training, knowledge and understanding to fly your glider. Its about being vigilant, staying focused, constantly keeping your eye out for danger. You have to expect the unexpected, just like in Safer Recruitment. Its about not being complacent, checking prior every time you fly to reduce the risks. Its about knowing what to do when you sense something is wrong and hold firm to the rules you have learnt.

We believe your own boundaries keep you safe, they are of the most important aspects of Safer Recruitment. Just like Paragliding you cant fly safely without them.

Those schools who know us

Say this

We support you to ensure you have Safe Working Practice

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