Business Essentials
Training, Consultancy and
Support for Education

Giving you the wings to help you fly in all conditions

About Business Essentials

Specialist in School Business in Education

14 years experience in Business for Education. The consultancy has a strong expertise and specialist focus in Schools HR, Safer Recruitment and reviewing the Single Central Record. We also offer consultancy in other School Business areas including : Management of Safeguarding, Health and Safety relating to the Curriculum/ Premises, Risk Assessments and Purchasing. We can also support you to locate expertise in other areas such as Finance, Tutoring and Interventions. We offer our services to Schools, Academy Trusts and other educational establishments e.g. Breakfast/afterschool clubs. Sports providers for children, community associations and anyone who is engaging with children (private sector) e.g. Consultants, Tutors and Educational Agency Supply.

Examples of Consultancy Work provided with a HR Focus

  • Set up of recruitment files with a step-by-step check list to ensure any member of staff could follow the process and meet the Safer Recruitment compliance. 
  • Set up Safer Recruitment flow chart for the recruitment teams providing step by step procedures for recruiting staff.
  • Set up Safer Recruitment selection process.
  • Created questions for interview process centred around school ethos values and needs for different job roles.
  • Moved all recruitment to one place online to ensure safeguarding continuity and an equitable fair process for all candidates.
  • Set up a template for the Oversees check.
  • Worked on Safer Recruitment policy with a school and their solicitor
  • Recruited staff whilst there was no administrator in place.
  • Trained new administrator on Safer Recruitment Process.
  • Worked on Single Central Record adding areas to correlate with the recruitment process and school needs.
  • Reviewed the old staff files to audit against Single Central Record and see if any checks were missing.  Whilst moving them into the new files and new process.
  • Reviewed the Supply Agencies used against the documentation required on the Single Central Record.
  • Reviewed staff training needs around Safer Recruitment of Agency Supply.
  • Set up a new system for Safer Recruitment of agency supply.
  • Supported and mentored a member of staff who returned to work after long term absence.
  • Set up back to work Risk Assessment and reasonable adjustments for the member of staff.
  • Supported HR to conduct a Grievance investigation.
  • Reviewed schools needs for Employee Assistance programme and supported with the procurement.
  • Worked with School Contractors to ensure they provided full and comprehensive documentation for the Single Central Record
  • Developed and implemented a system for checking Contractors
  • Reviewed Policies, Safer Working Practice and Conduct of Contractors.
  • HR investigations
  • Letters to staff regarding HR
  • Mental Health Risk Assessments
  • Preparation of HR reports using Acas format
  • Submission of final reports to the Commissioning Manager

Examples of other Business Consultancy areas provided

Annual report for safeguarding

Evaluate the Safeguarding and develop a bespoke Safeguarding Annual report demonstrating the schools ethos, values and culture making sure its not a tick box exercise

Supporting your School Business Manager

The School Business Manager can be very busy and at times have to focus on just one of their areas e.g. End of year Finance, in that time we can be another pair of hands who knows how to complete the other business areas.


Supporting the Premises Manager to get the best out of school external Contractors including meetings around improvements supporting with contract management

School Risk Management

We can support with Curriculum Risk Management which could include: Educational Visits, Science, Art and Premises Risk ,Management.

Income Generation/Lettings

We can support you to review your lettings considering safeguarding implications, income generation and the contract.

Staff Wellbeing

We can provide support with a Staff Return to work, HR Risk Assessments, reasonable adjustments or staff wellbeing. We can help you review your needs for an Employer Assistance Programme. We can help you focus on staff retention or purchasing staff absence insurance.

Staff Induction

We can review your staff induction procedures, paperwork and training so new staff are ready and equipped to support students.

How does it Work?

We will meet or talk over the phone to discuss your school’s needs. It helps for us to understand the software you use e.g. for the Single Central Record or Recruitment. We can then discuss our approach to the work, including costs and timescales. Our policies, insurance and other due diligence documentation (shown on our web page) can be sent to you in advance. This enables you to have all the information you need to make an informed choice about Business Essentials. Once you are happy and everything is agreed verbally. We will send you a Contract this includes our Terms of Conditions. If you are happy we will commence the work. Business Essentials will join you at School site and will work with your team to support them.

We Help You with all your needs on the Business side of Education

Why not give us a call

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