- Set up of recruitment files with a step-by-step check list to ensure any member of staff could follow the process and meet the Safer Recruitment compliance.
- Set up Safer Recruitment flow chart for the recruitment teams providing step by step procedures for recruiting staff.
- Set up Safer Recruitment selection process.
- Created questions for interview process centred around school ethos values and needs for different job roles.
- Moved all recruitment to one place online to ensure safeguarding continuity and an equitable fair process for all candidates.
- Set up a template for the Oversees check.
- Worked on Safer Recruitment policy with a school and their solicitor
- Recruited staff whilst there was no administrator in place.
- Trained new administrator on Safer Recruitment Process.
- Worked on Single Central Record adding areas to correlate with the recruitment process and school needs.
- Reviewed the old staff files to audit against Single Central Record and see if any checks were missing. Whilst moving them into the new files and new process.
- Reviewed the Supply Agencies used against the documentation required on the Single Central Record.
- Reviewed staff training needs around Safer Recruitment of Agency Supply.
- Set up a new system for Safer Recruitment of agency supply.
- Supported and mentored a member of staff who returned to work after long term absence.
- Set up back to work Risk Assessment and reasonable adjustments for the member of staff.
- Supported HR to conduct a Grievance investigation.
- Reviewed schools needs for Employee Assistance programme and supported with the procurement.
- Worked with School Contractors to ensure they provided full and comprehensive documentation for the Single Central Record
- Developed and implemented a system for checking Contractors
- Reviewed Policies, Safer Working Practice and Conduct of Contractors.
- HR investigations
- Letters to staff regarding HR
- Mental Health Risk Assessments
- Preparation of HR reports using Acas format
- Submission of final reports to the Commissioning Manager